Eli epilogi. Mitä reissusta jäi käteen, kotiinpalaamisen yhteydessä? Hieno kokemus matkustamisesta yhdysvaltoihin, upeat maisemat, kokemus tuntemattomien ihmisten vieraanvaraisuudesta, ystävyydestä ja luottamuksesta. matkalla koettiin myös draamaa kaverin loukkaantumisen merkeissä. Tämän ikävän tapauksen takia jäi tällä kertaa Kanadan matka väliin. Onneksi John tulee kuulemma talvella moikkaamaan synkkää suomen kansaa. Rikun ja tunnan (Madventures) sanoin, oravanpyörästä lähteminen kannattaa, pitää välillä uskaltaa repäistä ja lähteä. onneksi itsellä ei oikeastaan koskaan ole ollut pelkoa matkustamisesta, tiedän lentoliikenteen turvallisuustilastot ja lontoo taittuu hyvin. nykytekniikan aikakautena ei maisemat tule pelkästään olohuoneeseen telkkarin kautta, mutta nykytekniikka mahdollistaa myös hyvät yhteydet maailmalla lähes jokaisessa äärilaidassa. kannattaa siis harkita, mitä nykyihmeiden välineitä tarvitsee turvaverkoksi. itselläni ei ollut puhelinta, mutta yhteydenpito hoitui hyvin miniläppärin ja wlanin avulla. langattomia verkkoja löytyy nykyään kaikkialta, pikaruokapaikoista lähibaareihin, josta muuten tätäkin jälkipuhetta kirjoitan. uskalla lähteä reissuun, tarkista lentoliput halvimpien lentoyhtiöiden yhteishaulla, niin säästät parhaassa tapauksessa jopa puolet lentomatkan budjetistasi. omat lennot edestakaisin akselilla helsinki-amsterdam-portland ja takaisin maksoi kokonaissummana 460 euroa. ei paha siis. kuvat ja videot joutuu lähitulevaisuudessa suurennuslasin ja sittemmin dvd-polttimen alle, jotta saan tehtyä matkakollaasin yli 8gb digitallenteista. seuraavaa kesää ja reissua eurooppaan odottaessa. interrail-lippuun säästäen. kiitos ja anteeksi, jos joku tuntee kateellisuutta, muistakoon sen, että jotain saadessaan joutuu usein luopumaan monesta muusta asiasta. itse tuhlaan rahaani tähän, joten jää luksusautot ostamatta. corolla kulkee, sekä miulla on vielä terveet polvet.
blogi loppuu tähän, kiitoksia seuraamisesta!
Epilogue then.. What did i end up with, after this 3 week journey? A wonderful experience from travelling into U.S. , great scenery, unimaginable hospitality and kindness from complete strangers, not forgetting their kindness and trust. also some elements of drama in form of my friend getting hurt in a accident. After this incident, we couldn't travel to Canada. But surely, i will see John during the following winter, for he loves the dark times amongst our happy headbanger-nation. In the words of Riku and Tunna (Madventures), dare to break your rutines and get out from the rat-race. i have never been too scared of travelling, also by being aware of the statistics of flight-accidents, also i haz mad skillz ät London. on this marvellous modern era that we live in, it is not only possible to enjoy the delights of wonderful scenic locations through your tv, but also makes communications possible, almost at any corner of our globe. so one might want to consider, what technologic gadgets to have as a safety-net on his/her travels. i personally didn't have a cellphone with me, but i managed to stay in contact with my mini-laptop and wlan-connection. wireless and open networks are everywhere, from restaurants to local bars, from where i am writing this text now. dare to travel, compare flight prices you could save huge amouts of money. my journey cost me only 460 euros, 2-way ticket from helsinki to portland, via amsterdam, not bad, eh? photos and videos are currently being selected and then burned to dvd, as i am planning to do a collection from over 8gigabytes of photos and videos. waiting for next summer and travelling europe. interrail-ticket and me, gotta save some money. thx, and sry, if some feels envy, remember, that as one gains something, he/she has to give something up also. i spend my money on travelling, so no luxus-cars for me. corolla runs, and i have still got a pair of good knees.
blog ends here, thanks for following my journey!
tiistai 16. kesäkuuta 2009
sunnuntai 7. kesäkuuta 2009
vika ilta. ei päästy kanadaa, ku juha telo ittesä. ei käyny onneks pysyviä vaurioita. sai samalla levätä pari päivää ja tehtyä viimehetken heräteostoksia. pyykit pesty kohta, kainalot tervattu ja kynnet lakattu. hienoa menoa. nyt laukut pakattu, rullalauta palasina lentomatkaa varten, joten homma kuosissa. keskiviikkona odottaa duuni, ei paljoa napostelis. auto on pakko korjata ja katsastaa, joten eipä tarvi miettiä mitä tekee parina tulevana viikonloppuna.
last night. didn't make it to canada, juha hurt himself. luckily no permanent damage. atleast we got a few days to rest before going back, also did some final moment shopping. laundry almost washed, armpits full of tar, and my nails painted. cool runnings. packed our bags, skateboard in pieces for the flight, so all thing are looking good. wednesday will be work, not really looking towards on it. gotta fix and inspect my car, so i have no problem on finding things to do on future weekends.
this will be my last blog before finland. peace out.
last night. didn't make it to canada, juha hurt himself. luckily no permanent damage. atleast we got a few days to rest before going back, also did some final moment shopping. laundry almost washed, armpits full of tar, and my nails painted. cool runnings. packed our bags, skateboard in pieces for the flight, so all thing are looking good. wednesday will be work, not really looking towards on it. gotta fix and inspect my car, so i have no problem on finding things to do on future weekends.
this will be my last blog before finland. peace out.
keskiviikko 3. kesäkuuta 2009
matkalla takaisin oregonin puolelle, pysähdyttiin Zamora nimisessä pikkukylässä, josta lähdettäessä auto tuntui hieromasauvalta ja kuulosti helikopterilta. siis täris ja perkeleesti. luultiin että tasapaino on lähtenyt, tai rengaspaine vajaa jostain renkaasta. pikainen tarkistus seuraavalla huoltoasemalla paljasti syyn olevan vakavampi. renkaan pinta oli revennyt vaijeripunoksia myöten irti, noin neljäsosarenkaan matkalta. ilta oli jo pitkällä kahdeksan tienoilla kun tämä tapahtui, soittoja wallmartin rengasosastoille kahteen eri paikkaan. marketit on auki, muttei voi tehdä mitään, kun ei ole asentajia enää paikalla. vittu. vararenkaan jälkeinen tilannekatsaus osoitti, ettei apua löydy kun vasta seuraavana aamuna. onneksi huoltoaseman vieressä oli RV ja telttaleiri, josta löytyi tilaa, vieläpä matkan halvin paikka! 10 dollaria telttapaikasta, suihkut ja vessat, voi kyllä! teltta paikalle, kaljaa naamariin ja loput taco bellit massuun. kalssia, hampaiden pesua ja unta kuulaan. aamulla hevoskärrivauhia walmartin rengasosastolle, josta uudet nakit alle. walmartissa pyörähdys oli ihan ok, löytyi mansikkafantaa, mikä on helvetin hyvää, muttei sitä ollut kuin isoissa pulloissa, eikä ollenkaan lightversiona. pihalta ostettu no fear niminen energiajuoma veti pulssin pintaan ja tuli heti virkeä ja hyvä olo. matka jatkuu
on the way to oregon, we stopped at a small town of Zamora. When leaving from a gas-station, Volvo started to feel like a vibrator and sounded like a helicopter. mad shakes. we thought at first that our tirepressure was low or a balancing block from a tire was missing. a quick check at a gas-station proved things to be much worse. the steel binding of a tire had ripped open 1/4 of the side on one tire. since it was late, over 8 pm, when this occured, so we made a quick call to wallmart, to check if we could still get tires. 2 markets were open, but nothing could be done, since the mechanics had already left. fuck. after changing the spare, we realised that we had to wait for the morning, to get help. we were lucky to find out, that the gas-station had RV-camp and campsite, that had room, and for the cheapest rates ever! 10$ per night, showers and toilets, oh yeah! set up the tent, beer to the ol' pie-hole, and a light night-snack of leftovers from taco bell. more beer, washing teeth and getting some sleep. in the morning we set our course to wallmarts garage, at the speed of a amish horsecart. walmaart was ok, we even found strawberry fanta, wich is delicious, but it's only sold on big 2 liter bottles and no light version. bought a no fear- energydrink, that made me feel like a mole on meth. squinty eyes, rapid movement. but also alert, trip continues.
on the way to oregon, we stopped at a small town of Zamora. When leaving from a gas-station, Volvo started to feel like a vibrator and sounded like a helicopter. mad shakes. we thought at first that our tirepressure was low or a balancing block from a tire was missing. a quick check at a gas-station proved things to be much worse. the steel binding of a tire had ripped open 1/4 of the side on one tire. since it was late, over 8 pm, when this occured, so we made a quick call to wallmart, to check if we could still get tires. 2 markets were open, but nothing could be done, since the mechanics had already left. fuck. after changing the spare, we realised that we had to wait for the morning, to get help. we were lucky to find out, that the gas-station had RV-camp and campsite, that had room, and for the cheapest rates ever! 10$ per night, showers and toilets, oh yeah! set up the tent, beer to the ol' pie-hole, and a light night-snack of leftovers from taco bell. more beer, washing teeth and getting some sleep. in the morning we set our course to wallmarts garage, at the speed of a amish horsecart. walmaart was ok, we even found strawberry fanta, wich is delicious, but it's only sold on big 2 liter bottles and no light version. bought a no fear- energydrink, that made me feel like a mole on meth. squinty eyes, rapid movement. but also alert, trip continues.
summa summarum
yhteenveto kaliforniasta. yllättävän samea ilma, aurinko pääsi paahtamaan vain muutamia tunteja ulkona ollessa. johtuuko se kosteudesta vai savusumusta, mene ja tiedä. hollywood walk of fame oli ihmeen huonossa kunnossa, osa tähtiä oli rikki kadussa, osa irroitettu ja osa tuntui olevan kahteen kertaan. eipä hollywoodin keskustassa mitään erikoista, capitol recordsin talon tunnistin heti, kuvasin tähtiä ja kävin vähän ostoksilla kavereiden kaa. postikortit lähetetty, toivottavasti tulee hollywoodin leima. venice beachilta ostin longboardin, kun olen sellasta aina himoinnu ja halvalla sai. muutama paita ja sillä hyvä, en oikein osaa ostaa tuliaisia. beverly hillsin linnamaiset talot oli aika ylimielisen kokoisia, rodeo drive muotiliikkeineen oli yllättävän lyhyt. ei näkyny kuuluisuuksia, mutta enemmän mielenkiintoisia persoonia venice beachilta aina hollywoodin katukuvassa näkyviin punkkareihin. on se kiva huomata, ettei kaikki mene MTV:n muotikuvan mukaan. silmät on nyt auenneet aika monessa suhteessa, matka on ollut kokemuksena tosi antoisa. niina oli mukava ja olen tosi kiitollinen, että päästiin hänen olkkariin haisemaan. uusia ruokakokemuksia voin kehua sen verran, että kaliforniassa toimivan in'n'out-ketjun hampparit oli lähes tuen grillin lättyjen veroisia. ranskiksista ei ollu oikei mihikää. jack in the boxin sisäfilepihvillä varustettu burger vei kielen mennessään, tosin en vieläkään tajua melkein litran limppareiden järkiperäisyyttä. onhan se toisaalta hienoa, että saat joka paikassa kaadettua juoman itse, jäillä tai ilman. ja lisää saa hakea vaikka kupin täyteen lähtiessä. hollywoodiin mentäessä näkyi tosi hurjan oloinen kolari, 3 autoa aika rapeassa kunnossa. tapaus oli juuri kait sattunut santa monica avenuella, koska viranomaiset tulivat vastaan vasta ohittaessamme paikan. compton ei ole yhtä hurja mesta kun 90-luvulla, itse ajeltiin inglewood lanella ja tuumailtiin mestaa. onhan los angeles aika iso kaupunki, jos laidalta laidalle ajaminen kestää 1.5 tuntia. siis monikaistaista tietä, ei lähiökatuja.
summarum from california. amazingly clowdy air, sun was shining for just a few hours when we were outside. is it because humidity or smog, go figure. hollywood walk of fame was odd to see in such a bad condition, part of the stars were cracked in pieces, part taken off and some felt like there were 2 of a kind. nothing special to see in hollywood, capitol records building i recogniced right away, took pics of the stars and went shopping with friends. postcards were sent, hopefully those get mailed from hollywood. bought a longboard at venice beach, always wanted one of those, got it quite cheap too. a couple of shirts and that's it, i suck at buying gifts to friends. beverly hills houses were excessively large, rodeo drive in length surprised by it's shortness. no celebrities there, but more interesting and personal looking people, from venice beach to hollywood and its punkrockers. it is good to see that not everyone dresses according to MTV. my eyes have opened now, in many aspects, trip has been a enlightening experience. niina was a very nice and i am extremely grateful for her to let us stink up her livingroom for a couple of days. as for new foodexperiences i can recommend an exclusive franchise in california, in'n'out, that serves burgers almost as delicious as Tuen grilli in Lappeenranta. fries were shit. jack in the box and it's sirloinburger was the best, but i still don't get the idea behind their almost a 1liter cup of soda. on the other hand, it's great, that you can pour plenty of drink of your choise, with ice or without. and you can get a refill when walking out. as we went to hollywood, we saw a 3 car accident there, and atleast 2 of them were totalled. a recent event, i guess, since there was no cops or firemen at the scene, as we went further on santa monica bv, they started to arrive. compton isn't so fierce as in 90's, we drove along inglewood ln. and wondered around L.A. it seems to be a nice and big city, i heard that it can take 1½ hours to drive from side to side, on a 4 lane highway, not through the suburbia hell.
summarum from california. amazingly clowdy air, sun was shining for just a few hours when we were outside. is it because humidity or smog, go figure. hollywood walk of fame was odd to see in such a bad condition, part of the stars were cracked in pieces, part taken off and some felt like there were 2 of a kind. nothing special to see in hollywood, capitol records building i recogniced right away, took pics of the stars and went shopping with friends. postcards were sent, hopefully those get mailed from hollywood. bought a longboard at venice beach, always wanted one of those, got it quite cheap too. a couple of shirts and that's it, i suck at buying gifts to friends. beverly hills houses were excessively large, rodeo drive in length surprised by it's shortness. no celebrities there, but more interesting and personal looking people, from venice beach to hollywood and its punkrockers. it is good to see that not everyone dresses according to MTV. my eyes have opened now, in many aspects, trip has been a enlightening experience. niina was a very nice and i am extremely grateful for her to let us stink up her livingroom for a couple of days. as for new foodexperiences i can recommend an exclusive franchise in california, in'n'out, that serves burgers almost as delicious as Tuen grilli in Lappeenranta. fries were shit. jack in the box and it's sirloinburger was the best, but i still don't get the idea behind their almost a 1liter cup of soda. on the other hand, it's great, that you can pour plenty of drink of your choise, with ice or without. and you can get a refill when walking out. as we went to hollywood, we saw a 3 car accident there, and atleast 2 of them were totalled. a recent event, i guess, since there was no cops or firemen at the scene, as we went further on santa monica bv, they started to arrive. compton isn't so fierce as in 90's, we drove along inglewood ln. and wondered around L.A. it seems to be a nice and big city, i heard that it can take 1½ hours to drive from side to side, on a 4 lane highway, not through the suburbia hell.
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